The Louis Riel Vocational College offers a wide range of programs, training and workshops for individuals and organizations.
Our diploma programs provide a "culture and history" component designed to promote tolerance and understanding across all cultures. We were the first to mandate these teachings as part of our diploma programs.
We also provide relevant education to the Indigenous communities, business community and corporations through our one and two-day workshops that can be hosted at our site or in your workplace.
We offer an entire library of relevant training programs that can be customized to your exact business model or community need.
Our approach includes a variety of different delivery methods that will empower all employees and learning styles.
Student Application
Transferable High School Credits
At Home Education Portal
One and Two Day Workshops
Health Care Aide Challenge Certification
Diploma Programs
Specialty Programs x204-984-9480
108-150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 0J7
x 204-984-9480 A